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Ellados & Mounti Ave. Dasoudi Complex, Flat 105, Paphos 8020
Dental Crowns
What is a dental crown
Dr Ariadni Charalambous

Dental crowns are used as capping to protect damaged teeth or to cover a dental implant. They are designed to assist you to chew and bite. They look and feel like a natural teeth.

Getting a crown should be a virtually painless process from the first visit to the last.

Type of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are permanent tooth caps made of metal, porcelain-fused-to-metal or full porcelain/ ceramic. The dental crowns are custom made and tailored to match each person’s smile and bite.

Zirconia Crown
Zirconia Crown

Dental Crowns made of zirconia are becoming increasingly popular. One of the biggest advantages of zirconia is its strength and durability while they provide a long-lasting crown that’s non-metallic as they are made from zirconium dioxide, a very durable type of ceramic material. Furthermore they offer a highly aesthetic option.

Zirconia crowns generally cost more than the other crown options and may cause wear and tear on opposing teeth.

Full Porcelain Crown
Full Porcelain Crown

All-porcelain or full-ceramic crowns are ideal for front teeth restorations as they perfectly matches the natural colour and translucency of your natural teeth.

Porcelain is more prone to fractures and not as durable as metal or porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns it is not recommended to get full porcelain teeth in the molar region (back tooth).

The cost of porcelain is usually a bit higher than metal or porcelain fused to metal.

Porcelain-fused-to-metal Crown
Porcelain-fused-to-metal Crown

These crowns are praised for their aesthetic appeal because they have porcelain on the outside.
Porcelain can be tinted to match the color of the surrounding teeth and it offers natural-looking characteristics.

Metal and porcelain are both highly long-lasting dental materials that can endure the tension of chewing as well as years of wear and tear. As a result, porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns can persist for many years.

They are less expensive than all-porcelain crowns while yet providing the same aesthetic benefits.

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