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Ellados & Mounti Ave. Dasoudi Complex, Flat 105, Paphos 8020
Dental Veneers
What are dental veneers
Dr Ariadni Charalambous

Dental veneers are thin pieces of dental porcelain that are bonded to the front surfaces of teeth to improve their appearance.

Dental veneers are a quick and affordable prosthetic solution to get a beautiful, bright smile!

Veneers can help with the following esthetics issues

Yellow or discolored teeth
Yellow or discolored teeth

Where teeth whitening cannot improve the appearance of the teeth suffering from permanent discolouration dental veneers can be used in order to cover these permanent stains.

Cracked or fractured teeth
Cracked or fractured teeth

We will advise you on the best treatment for your case based on the severity of the fractured teeth. Opposed to dental fillings, dental veneering or crowning often produces a more aesthetically acceptable final outcome.

Gaps between teeth
Gaps between teeth

Not severe tooth spacing issues can usually be resolved through the use of dental veneers.

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