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Ellados & Mounti Ave. Dasoudi Complex, Flat 105, Paphos 8020
Scaling & Polishing
What is Scaling and Polishing
Dr Ariadni Charalambous

Patients with bleeding gums after cleaning their teeth may be suffering from gum disease.

Gum disease can be prevented and treated with regular scaling and polishing.


At the SCALING stage we remove any tartar or plaque deposits from your teeth. Plaque is a soft, waxy, yellowish material that forms naturally on teeth over time. If plaque is not removed from the surfaces of teeth and is left exposed for an extended length of time, minerals in saliva react with plaque to produce tartar, which appears as crusty deposits and can cause tooth discolouration, dental caries, and even gum disease if left untreated.

Unlike plaque, which can usually be removed by brushing and flossing on a regular basis, tartar can only be eliminated by a dental professional through scaling and polishing.


At the POLISHING Stage we will polish your teeth after fully eliminating plaque and tartar during the scaling procedure. The polishing procedure will eliminate any stains that have built up on your teeth over time and leave them with a pleasant, natural shine at the end of the procedure.

Some people may require more than just polishing to eliminate stubborn teeth stains.

Patients can keep a healthy set of gums and teeth by having a regular scaling and polishing once every six months. This process completely cleans teeth and improves their appearance and comfort.

Benefits of Scaling and Polishing

Removes Dental Tartar
Removes Dental Tartar
Prevents Gum Disease
Prevents Gum Disease
Whiter Looking Teeth
Whiter Looking Teeth
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